Home » Offering real life games » Agaath's Inheritance

- cooperating, problem-solving, influencing others - 


escape room op locatie

60, 75 of 90 minuten


T/m 10: 350 euro, >10: + 24,50 p.p.

IntoTheMirror location or at your own location

Also available in English


Discover how this unique serious escape game brings out the best in you and your team! 'Agaath's Inheritance,' an on-site escape room, is all about experiencing family relationships and the excitement of obtaining a substantial inheritance. Together with your fellow players, you play Agaath's relatives or acquaintances.


The challenge begins with you collectively unravelling the clues to gain access to the will. After that, it is up to you to use your influencing skills to acquire the coveted inheritance. Social puzzles and playfully assuming a role in the story are at the heart of this experience. The outcome of 'Agaath's Inheritance' is entirely in your hands.

Unlike traditional escape rooms, "Agaath's Inheritance" is a "break-in box" where you puzzle your way in rather than escape. This creates an intense, short-term experience that fits perfectly as a break during a team day.


The game is followed by a debrief in which you share the insights gained and translate them into practically applicable behaviors.

Management game Agaath's Erfenis: werk samen in je team. Maar ga jij er vandoor met de erfenis?

Escape Game on location 'Agatha's Inheritance'

Enter the world of 'Agatha's Inheritance'. After Agatha's death, her family members and closest friends gather at the notary's office for the unveiling of her will. A challenge awaits: can they open the safe with the will and lay claim to Agatha's inheritance? Discover the secrets and mysteries of 'Agatha's Inheritance' and experience an escape game like never before.

Agatha's Inheritance as team building

Organizations that opt for this workshop want to strengthen cooperation between colleagues. Successfully solving the challenges in this game as a team requires mutual coordination. Daring to ask for help, problem-solving skills and paying attention to each other are also essential.

Another learning experience, aimed at personal development, is influencing others, for example based on Leary's Rose.

Escape Room on Location

You can play the pop-up experience 'Agatha's Inheritance' anywhere: at the office, or in a room near you. Or simply at one of our venues. 'Agaath's Inheritance', according to the story, is played in a notary's office or at a special location, specially hired by the notary for the reading of the will.

They went into the mirror before you

They went into the mirror before you