Home » Offering real life games » Battle Tag

- sporty, competitive, teamwork, outdoor - 


[Larpen 'Light': Sherwood and Nottingham vs the Dark Army]


2 hours


IntoTheMirror location or at your own location

Up to 10: 400 euros, > 10: + 34,50 p.p.

Also available in English


Immerse yourself in the exciting world of 'Battle Tag', where Archery Tag and Sword Tag merge into an unparalleled phenomenon. Experience epic battles as you battle with bow and arrow, sword, axe or mace. A battle between good and evil, where the outcome is not always obvious.


Prepare for this extraordinary adventure with a preparatory archery and sword-fighting workshop. Armed with safe (latex foam Larp) arrows and bows, swords and other hand weapons, you will learn the essential techniques of these ancient martial arts.

In de loop van de campagne nemen de dappere strijders der mensen het tegen elkaar op in diverse uitdagingen om zich voor te bereiden op de ultieme eindstrijd. Samen trotseren ze de duistere creaturen van de sinistere Mordred. Zullen de krachten van het goede overwinnen?


IntoTheMirror caters to companies and organizations in the service sector seeking a team-building activity for their team day or hip session. Organizers of bachelor parties and friends outings go to larpen.nl.


Battle Tag offers a kind of Larpen 'Light': you experience the intensity of combat without the need for extensive role-playing. It's purely about the thrill of battle. To complete the atmosphere, we provide you with costumes that transport you straight into the world of Lord of the Rings.

Teambuilding Archery Tag Battle Tag

Mensen vs. het Duistere Leger

De Mensen slaan de handen in om dwergenkoning Oberon te helpen. Zijn kostbare schat is gestolen door de beruchte aartsvijand Mordred! Nu rust de verantwoordelijkheid op hun schouders om de schat terug te veroveren en de sinistere hordes van Mordred, bestaande uit ondoden, orken en andere duistere wezens, te verslaan.

Maar wees gewaarschuwd, de uitkomst is niet vanzelfsprekend - Mordred en zijn leger zullen niet zomaar toegeven aan de 'goeien'. Te midden van hun vijanden bevinden zich even bekwame boogschutters en krijgers, gereed om de uitdaging aan te gaan. Gaan de dappere mensen zegevieren, of zal Mordred triomferen in zijn duistere heerschappij? De toekomst hangt in de balans en enkel de sterkste en meest strategische geesten kunnen de overwinning behalen in deze epische strijd.

Battle Tag als teambuilding

Organizations choosing Battle Tag are in many cases looking for a playful outdoor teambuilding activity where sportsmanship and competition are paramount.

A fresh and energizing end to the first day for a two-day meeting session, so the energy is recharged for the remainder of your meeting.



We will tailor the location to your preference and budget. Battle Tag can be played as an indoor game. But as an outdoor game, taking place in a wooded area, Battle Tag comes into its own even more. In that case, the game is always played, even when it rains. In that case, transparent rain ponchos are provided that can be put on over the costume.

They went into the mirror before you