Home » Offering real life games » HappyTV

- process collaboration, result-oriented working, process management, lean - 


[Working together in processes]

4-7 hours


IntoTheMirror location or at your own location

2.500 per half-day or 3.500 per day


Welcome to 'HappyTV', an innovative business simulation that unleashes the power of collaboration and encourages teams to break free from restrictive departmental boundaries. In the world of 'HappyTV,' participants quickly discover that simply working harder is not always the solution. It's about gaining a clear understanding of their own role and contribution to the team outcome. This simulation often reflects the reality of the participants and their organizations, leading to valuable insights and sustainable change.


Our simulation helps develop skills crucial for modern business:

  • Working together in a process: Learn how effective collaboration within and between teams, departments and supply chain partners can make the difference in complex processes.
  • Communciation: Improve communication skills and learn how clear communication contributes to efficiency and better results.
  • Breaking free from departmental thinking: Discover how breaking traditional 'cubicle' thinking leads to innovation and synergy between teams.
  • Process management: Explore different facets of process management and learn how to implement 'hands-on' process improvements.
  • Work result-oriented and process-oriented: Learn how to combine focus on results with a process-oriented approach for optimal efficiency.
  • Lean Management and Business Process Management: Delve into the world of Lean Management and Business Process Management and understand how these approaches can improve business performance.


Because you reflect on your own actions according to the working-evaluating-planning principle, learning takes place continuously. At the end, a transfer to one's own practice is made.

Seriousgaming in HappyTV: omgaan met papieren informatiestromen om process improvement te ervaren

Real life serious game ‘HappyTV’

In the scenario of the big hack with hostage software, Happy TV employees must go back in time to work without Internet and USB access. With the future of Happy TV at stake, participants must assess all scenarios and find solutions to save the company.

'HappyTV' offers an engaging and educational experience that challenges, inspires and transforms teams. Join us and discover how to improve collaborative process with each other, with tangible results for your team and organization.

HappyTV as team building

Organizations that choose HappyTV are in many cases looking for a high-impact experience to quickly get the essence of process management between colleagues' ears.

HappyTV can be used during the kickoff of a process-oriented work process (according to Lean) or as a learning tool in training programs.



HappyTV is played by teams of 8 and 15 participants. It is not only process managers, but also employees and executives who play HappyTV. With more participants, multiple sessions take place in parallel.

You can play HappyTV anywhere: at the office, or in a room near you. Or at one of our locations.