Escape Room on Location
[Escape Room Teambuilding+]
Small and large teams looking for a fun activity with content take advantage of IntoTheMirror's Escape Room On Location. Our escape rooms focus on working together. In addition, each Escape Room has its own learning objective. And if you want, we'll custom-build an Escape Room On Location to fit your message or learning objective.
Team building, with imagination.
Choice Guide
Drie real life escape games, welke kies je nu? In alle gevallen wordt je niet opgesloten en puzzel je jezelf ergens naar binnen om de game te winnen. Zet je de escape room als teambuilding in? Dan verzorgen we een debriefing waarbij we met elkaar onderzoeken welke kwaliteiten er zijn ingezet en op welke wijze de deelnemers er zelf voor zorgen dat de teamprestatie omhoog gaat.
90 minutes
- cooperate, problem-solving ability, influencing others -
Experience 'Agatha's Inheritance', an immersive on-site escape room where family members compete for Agaath's inheritance. Solve social puzzles and play a role in the story to determine the outcome. A short but intense experience, perfect as a team day activity! Play at the office, in a room or at one of our venues.
2 hours
- team building, problem solving, dealing with different interests -
Discover 'After the Heist', a unique on-site escape room where rival gangs team up for a daring heist. Experience the story, solve puzzles, and discover who can be trusted. As a group, determine the outcome and translate the experience into practical behavior. The gangs' hideout can be anywhere, even in the office.
1,5 hour
- team building, problem solving, dealing with different interests - -
Experience 'Team Escape', a pop-up escape game where cooperation is key. Solve puzzles, combine qualities and decipher the code to open the last suitcase. 'Team Escape' pits groups against each other for success and team spirit. The post-game discussion contributes to a special and energetic team experience!
Escape room on location for small groups: Agaath's InheritanceChoice Guide
Agaath's Erfenis kan al worden gespeeld met 4 deelnemers. Ideaal om je MT of je directieteam als warming-up aan het begin of als afsluiting van de heidag te spelen. Ook als het thema 'effectief beïnvloeden' onderdeel is van de bredere thematiek van de dag, dan kies je voor Agaath's Erfenis.
Escape room on location for teams: After the Heist
Besides collaboration, does dealing with departmental/team vs. organizational interest have your organization's attention? After the Heist is a model of reality where you have an immersive experience with interactive storytelling and challenges. Because of the immersion and the different types of challenges in the game, what is learned stays with you longer.
Escape room on location for large groups: Team Escape
Starting from 20 participants, the Team Escape is interesting. Questions such as "What characteristics did others see of you today?" and "What will you contribute to improve team performance?" are answered based on the experiences gained during the game. The Team Escape can also be played against each other. Then the fastest finishing time proves the level of cooperation within the winning team.

Warming up: The Heist Online
Warm up your team by playing the online prologue to After The Heist with each other beforehand at the office or over drinks: The Heist Begins. Work together and discover each other's problem-solving abilities in this online escape room.
Escape Room On Location: practically anywhere
De pop-up escape rooms van IntoTheMirror kunnen op elke locatie worden gespeeld: in de zaal die je al gebruikt voor je tweedaagse in het conferentiecentrum, op kantoor of zelfs buiten. In principe kies je je eigen locatie. Mocht je nog een suggestie voor en locatie nodig hebben: IntoTheMirror werkt nauw samen met diverse locations op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug in de provincie Utrecht.